DeviceTalks Tuesdays On-Demand Session
Thirty years ago, electronics components were simpler and manufacturers often competed for the same markets by making drop-in replacements for competitor’s components. Since then, components became more complex through greater integration and specialization, enabling smaller, cheaper, and more complex systems while reducing design time and costs.
Unfortunately, now most electronics designs depend on a surprising number of single-source components. For many years the strong global supply chain enabled electronics designs to rely on single-source parts with little concern. Today, the global supply chain is a mess, with unpredictable component availability and lead times. Device manufacturers are forced to endure long component lead times or redesign their devices to use different components. New designs have to take component availability into account during the design in ways that would seem absurd a few years ago.
In many cases, the knee-jerk reaction to the supply chain problem is to design single-source parts by going back to more discrete solutions using components that are available from many suppliers. Nick Lesniewski-Laas, Director of Systems & Electrical Engineering at Sunrise Labs, shares some of the solutions and trade-offs that Sunrise has implemented to overcome the challenges of supply chain shortages and risk.
Key Take-Aways:
- Supply-driven design process
- Strong fundamentals are more important than ever
- The importance of good Systems Engineering

To complement the series of regional DeviceTalks meetings, DeviceTalks Tuesdays was created, a scheduled, appointment-based opportunity to bring together the MedTech leaders and visionaries that typically take the stage. DeviceTalks Tuesdays are available where ever you’re getting the job done. Register once and select one or more webcasts to attend or watch on-demand.