Best Practices for Developing End-to-End Coud-Powered Medical Devices

Best Practices for Developing End-to-End Cloud-Powered Medical Devices

Live XTalks Webinar

Wednesday, May 8th, 2024 | 12-1 pm EDT

Join us for a webinar on the new era in MedTech: Cloud-Powered Medical Devices. Discover the key considerations, innovative strategies, and expert insights on best practices for building sophisticated devices and systems that fully leverage the cloud. The webinar is tailored for senior product managers and R&D developers who look to revolutionize patient care, enhance traditional product platforms, streamline device management, or ensure top-tier data security and compliance. Also, the discussion will be foundational to unlocking the potential of the cloud without the possible technical, operational, and regulatory complexities it could introduce.

Topics to be covered: 

  • How cloud connectivity affects a medical device, balancing the benefits and challenges
  • Cloud Computing Fundamentals: Gain a solid foundation in cloud technology and its pivotal role in modern medical device architecture, including infrastructure, platforms, and services
  • Design Excellence and User Experience: Explore design and development best practices that not only enhance device functionality and user experience but also ensure seamless integration and scalability within the healthcare ecosystem
  • Regulatory Navigation: Hear how to successfully maneuver through the complex regulations governing medical devices and cloud data management, with a spotlight on compliance with critical standards like HIPAA, GDPR, and other international regulations
  • Enhanced Security Measures: Get effective best practices for risk assessment, data encryption, access controls, and the management of cybersecurity threats in cloud environments

Register now to be at the forefront of the cloud revolution in medical device development, where technology meets compliance and innovation enhances quality and outcomes.

Moderator: Speakers:

John Miller, VP Americas, BioT

Adam Jacobs, CTO, Sunrise Labs, Inc

Daniel Adler, Co-Founder & CEO, BioT

BioT provides a cloud platform for building medical devices that serve remote users from clinical study to full-scale commercialization. Unique for its self-service, regulated modules, BioT enables developers to launch and update medical solutions quickly while alleviating regulatory and cybersecurity risks. The platform supports over 100,000 FDA-approved devices across various clinical domains for over 30 MedTech customers.

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