DeviceTalks Tuesdays On-Demand Session
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) allow engineers to find bugs earlier in development and deploy features and fixes to production faster. The process is colloquially known as “shifting left”, meaning, to do as much integration as early as possible in the Software Development Life Cycle.
In this webcast, Sunrise’s Program Manager, Tom Vaillancourt shares the principles of CI/CD and how these ‘Best Practices’ will help the efficiency of your development programs.
Key Take-Aways:
- What is CI/CD?
- Overview of the Key Concepts and Strategies
- What is a typical CI/CD workflow?
- What are the best supporting tools?
- The Importance of Roles and Responsibilities
- How to evaluate the potential for Costs and Savings
To complement the series of regional DeviceTalks meetings, DeviceTalks Tuesdays was created, a scheduled, appointment-based opportunity to bring together the MedTech leaders and visionaries that typically take the stage. DeviceTalks Tuesdays are available wherever you’re getting the job done. Register once and select one or more webcasts to attend or watch on-demand.