Accelerating Ideas to Market

NHTA BioMed|Tech Industry Spotlight Series

Ensure the success of a medical product development project

The path from concept to commercialization of medical devices is a complex process for product manufacturers and entrepreneurs. Having well-defined user needs will set the foundation for a product’s success. Establishing clear requirements and identifying technology risks upfront will help to avoid the pain points of development and keep your project on track.

As part of the NH Tech Alliance (NHTA) BioMed | Tech Industry Spotlight Series, leadership from Sunrise Labs discuss the strategies involved in bringing a product to market, and what should be considered before launching into formal product development during the 4th NHTA “BioMed | Tech Industry Spotlight” series. Hear from three Sunrise Labs executives including Adam Jacobs, Chief Technology Officer, Alex Therrien, Director of User-Centered Design, and Jim Turner, Director of Software Development. This event was generously sponsored by Sunrise Labs, Trilogy Financial, and People’s United Bank.

The NH Tech Alliance is a statewide technology association dedicated to supporting companies at every stage of growth and development – from startups to established leaders in the global economy.

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