Sustaining Cybersecurity Performance: An Industry Challenge
Cybersecurity performance is an essential component of the lifecycle management of medical devices. If unmanaged, the cybersecurity performance will decay, as vulnerabilities in the architecture and components of a medical device are discovered over time. These vulnerabilities may be exploited in cybersecurity attacks, causing not only damage or decreased overall performance of a medical device and its use within healthcare systems but, ultimately, potential harm to the patient. Healthcare systems are increasingly requiring medical device providers to warrant their continuing cybersecurity support as wide-scale industry attacks are becoming more prevalent and damaging. Medical device manufacturers are proactively responding with such support as a key reinforcement of their brand promise of trust and commitment to patient care.
Our technical experts are available to discuss your specific needs to customize a postmarket cybersecurity management system. From an initial discussion, you will be able to better understand how the solution may help you meet the FDA cybersecurity requirements and your sustained commitment to your end markets, clients, and patients.